Is your business undergoing a major shift?  
Whether it’s downsising for reduction of costs, restructuring, merging, or an acquisition, at hr2go Consultancy I can assist you through the whole duration of your business change process. 
Whether it involves restructuring and redundancies, TUPE, outplacements, change management, executive exits, and/or merging and acquisitions, I have the right set of people skills and the right set of solutions just for your business. 
hr2go Consultancy can help assist you in the transitions and processes of the following business changes 

Change Management 

No matter the reasons, change can be difficult for some employees. It is highly crucial that the processes that come with it are handled properly and within fair interest of all the company’s external and internal stakeholders. 


hr2go Consultancy can support you with a redundancy policy, procedure and all relevant templates and since redundancy processes may sometimes be emotional and unexpected , we can help support your managers and train them on how to deal with the redundancy process and consultations with a fair and sensitive approach. Post-redundancy management is also important for the remaining employees in your workforce to ensure ongoing engagement and commitment. 

TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment) 

TUPE regulations might be confusing you, or it might be making your company’s change processes more complex and difficult than they already are. hr2go Consultancy is ready to assist you in all of the steps of the TUPE process, including carrying out due diligence exercises and consultations – together with a management service that will make sure that you’re legally compliant. 

Change of Contract and Contracts of Employment 

hr2go Consultancy can support with this process and provide the relevant documents. Part of our knowledge and expertise also includes helping you achieve successful negotiations with Trade Unions on any collective agreements. hr2go Consultancy will be able to assist you as it continues to provide quality and tailored HR services for your business, whether at start-up stage, or as an established company. 
As you implement your business change, hr2go Consultancy will help you not just in the processes, but also in the following aspects: 

Employee communication 

Any change that you plan to implement in your business will have a huge impact on your workforce. Make sure that the key stakeholders who need to know, are informed in the right way, to prepare them ahead of any proposed changes . Not all employees respond to similar or the same communication methods. How you communicate the changes must also be tailored to the type of employees you consult with, to ensure that they remain engaged and work-efficient. 

Employee inclusion 

When there are changes in the company, employees who are uninformed might be taken aback and may feel isolated in the long run. This feeling of isolation can lead to feelings of exclusion and decreased interest, or high barriers which can hinder growth. Keeping employees in the loop will help you and your business in implementing whatever change is needed more effectively. When your workforce knows and feels that they are part of what they contribute to, they also can become more engaged, committed and willing to go that extra mile to achieve business success. 

Timeline distribution 

Changes and adjustment periods can take time. The next questions which may arise from your workforce can be “Until when?” or “For how long?”. It’s best to plan out and give follow-ups to your employees, for them to also know what deliverables are needed and the time they must be submitted. 

Change evaluation  

hr2go Consultancy will help you in identifying and evaluating the possible effects that will be brought about by the implemented changes. Having key determinants for success will be useful. How are the changes affecting productivity? How are the changes being dealt with by the workforce? 
hr2go Consultancy offers a thirty-minute consultation, for free. Contact me now at 07779 508972.